If you are receiving an error when you upload your attendee list the dashboard will list the reasons for the errors row by row. Please read the error list, correct, re-save, and try uploading again. If you continue to experience issues uploading please contact your customer support specialist or email us at support@whova.com.
Some common errors are the following:
1- This attendee is already listed in row (#), please remove this duplicate: If you have an email address listed more than once for multiple attendees an error will appear. Each attendee must have their own unique email address. If you do not have an email address for them, it is best to leave the email address field for such attendees blank or do not include them on your attendee list. In this case you will want to make sure they are given your event code to access.
2- This attendee (<name>) may be a duplicate of row (#) above: If you have an attendee name listed more than once on your attendee list but with different emails the dashboard will notify you. You can bypass this and still upload in the circumstance you have 2+ attendees with the same name.
3- Please enter emails for your attendees: When uploading your attendee list you must have emails for the majority of your list at the time of upload. If you do not have emails for your attendees please contact your customer support specialist for assistance or email us at support@whova.com.
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