How do I log into my Whova event?

Whova Support
Whova Support
  • Updated

You are able to log into your Whova account either using the Mobile app or the Web portal.

If your event is a hybrid or virtual event, you will be able to create an account from both the Web and Mobile apps. However, if your event is an in-person event, you will need to create an account via the Mobile app first.  

Note: When logging in, please use the email address included in the event’s attendees list or the one you have used to register. By doing this, the app will automatically take you to your event after you log in.

Web Portal

In order to log into the Web Portal, please follow these steps:

1. Locate the Web Portal link. You may obtain it by:

  • Accessing the App Download email sent to you by your organizer
  • Contacting the organizer directly to ask for the link
  • Contacting our Support Team at

2. Enter your email address and password to sign in > click Sign In


3a. If you do not have an account yet, please click Sign Up Here to create an account


3b. Enter your name, email address and create a password > click Sign Up


Mobile App

In order to use the mobile app, please follow these steps:

1. Download the mobile app (App store link, Google Play store link)

2. Open the app

3. Click “Sign up/Sign in


3. Enter your email address


4a. If you do not already have a Whova account, you’ll be prompted to create a password

4b. Enter your desired password > click Continue



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