Yes, you can enhance the visibility of particular exhibitors through various methods:
- Set up Exhibitor Tiering: You can highlight or categorize particulate exhibitors with different tiers.The exhibitor tiering option, allows you to create special tiers for exhibitors depending on their rank. As the organizer, you can give exhibitors with a specific tier more visibility by placing them at the top of the exhibitor hall. These tier levels can be moved in the desired order and edited at any time.
- Highlight VIP exhibitors in the passport contest (popular): provide extra incentives for attendees to visit exhibitor booths via the passport contest feature. This gamification make attendees to earn stamps by visiting all or certain number of qualified exhibitor booths. In exchange, these exhibitors collect the attendees as leads and have the chance to demo their products and create business opportunities..
- Provide VIP exhibitors the privilege of Outreach Campaigns: allow specific exhibitors to send attendees one or two mass messages via Whova app via outreach campaign. This provides selected exhibitors with extra touchpoints with attendees and help increase their booth traffic. Exhibitors can save time and reach a bigger audience. Don’t worry. You can easily exclude speakers or VIP guests as campaign recipients.
- Facilitate VIP exhibitors with 1-1 Meetings: Finally, you can make special exhibitors more distinguishable and attractive to attendees by allowing them to facilitate 1-1 meetings. This option enables attendees to schedule individual meetings with exhibitor representatives to see a demo and ask specific questions while forming a deeper business connection.
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