How do I integrate CRM via Zapier?

Whova Support
Whova Support

In order to this, please access:

1. Attendees > Integrations > CRM Integration via Zapier


2. Sign up/Sign into your Zapier account

sign up zapier.png

3. Click Create a Zap (Zapier's automation tool)

create zap.jpg

4. Search and select Whova as your trigger app

select whova.jpg

5. Select "Get Attendees" as the trigger > Click the Continue button

locate the event.jpg

6. Link to your Whova account > Click the Sign in button

choose Whova account .png

7. Introduce your Whova credentials > Click "Yes, Continue" button 

zapier into whova.png

8. Click the Continue button

click continue button.png

9. Select the Whova event you'd like to export your attendee information from > Click Continue button

locate whova event.png

10. To make sure your event is linked properly, click the "Test trigger" button 

test trigger.png

11. Confirm it is working properly > Click the Continue button

working properly.png

12. Select the CRM you use > Choose how your CRM will use Whova's attendee data

agile CRM.png

13. Sign into your CRM through Zapier > Click the Continue button

sign into CRM.png

 14. You can test your action to make sure everything is working properly

test and continue .jpg

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